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Rant About What I See is Becoming Cliche

Let me say that as a writer, I try to be original. I try to use new plots and situations in my stories, and so as a reader, I hate cliched plots and situations with a passion! There is one situation lately that has become cliche in my books as a result of reading about it over and over again. I guess it doesn't help that I read mostly romance fan fiction, but romance isn't always about unprotected sex and a pregnancy as a result!

Yes, readers, the cliched situation/plot that I hate is Ash having unprotected sex with his girlfriend/love/partner/etc. for the story and getting her pregnant as a result. It's beginning to tick me off to read about the same situation/plot happen over and over again as a device in the story. Even good writers can't seem to not use such a situation.

I know in the anime that Ash is dense about romance and the stuff surrounding it, but he has been kept at age 10 in that so far! What ten year old boy do you know that is interested in sex and romance at that age? None that is normal, that's for certain! I think if they let Ash grow up, he'd outgrow such density about relationships and romance. Yes, this means that his female traveling partners would keep getting younger in comparison to him, but he acted as a teacher/coach/role model to both May and later Dawn if I recall the anime correctly.

Since he is usually in his late teens/early twenties when he has these relationships in the stories, he probably knows about the 'Pidgey and Beedrill' (to transform our "birds and bees" saying into the equivalent for Pokemon and their world) and how to have safe, protected sex. I would also guess that he knows that with him traveling (in the majority of the stories he's still a traveling trainer), he wouldn't be able to help take care of a child of such a union, so he'd take precautions. (The few stories that are an exception to this latter claim, most have the female not tell Ash about the pregnancy and hide it from him, or they get married because of it. Another exception is "Responsibilities" where he became the new champion of Kanto before he got Misty pregnant. That's another thing, why does Misty never grow up as well? She should outgrow using her magical mallet on Ash's head at least! I also understand why she's so popular as she was in the first three seasons and she was in the first episode with Ash, but still I'd love to see more stories with Ash and a non-traveling partner.)

Another reason I dislike it being used so much, is that these stories are available for anyone to see. There are no restrictions to who can see these stories usually, and Pokemon is pretty popular, so there is a large audience out there. Young impressionable minds can see that it is okay to get your girlfriend/lover/etc. pregnant and still everything will turn out okay. I think I've seen only one author put a warning before the lemon scene reminding people to practice safe sex, and that Ash can afford to have a baby in that story (as in it, he had just become the Pokemon Master).

That's all on this topic, I'm through ranting now! Take care! ;)

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